
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Game Music

© @Doug88888

When you develop a game there are so many little details that set you back. One of these details is the music for the game. It can be unbelievable hard to find the best fit for the game. Especially when you have no idea what you should do.

Since Panzer Division is a WW2 game, a historical game, my first choice would be a epic background music, maybe something symphonic. But you know what? I might be wrong.

One of the best game music I ever heard is the one created for Machinarium. The game, which features the adventures of a robot in a town full of robots, has a great jazz soundtrack. Who would pick that? When you think future, robots, technology, computers what music you think would fit? Maybe electronic, maybe psychedelic, but jazz?

We have two options:

  1. Find some music online. There are some nice sources - but we might choose something that others might also choose.
  2. Find somebody to create the music for us. I have two musicians who might compose the music - thus creating something unique - but I'm afraid they will not create what I need.

We'll have to think some more.

UPDATE: Mr. FunkyLand has some nice proposals, check them out:

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Who knew there was a song for the Panzers?
The song starts at 1:30, but the rest of the movie provides a nice context. I was curios what is says, so here are the lyrics in case you are curios too:
In blizzard or storm,
Or in sun warm and bright,
The day hot as hell
Or bone-chilling be the night,
Our faces may with dust be laid,
But spirits never fade,
No, never fade;
Relentless, our tank
Thunders out on a raid.

With engines a-howling,
Fast as is the wind,
We head for the foe,
Safe, as we're in armor skinned.
Our comrades still behind us roam;
We fight the foe alone,
Yes, fight alone.
We stab through the line
To break the foes backbone.

Whenever the foe
May appear in our sight,
We'll ram throttle full,
Then we'll humble all his might!
Of what use is our life if we
Our country serve freely?
Yes, serve freely!
To die for our country,
Our honour shall be.

With tank traps and mines,
Our foe tries to impede.
We laugh at his ruses;
We know he'll not suceed.
And when, in threat, his cannons stand,
Half hidden in the sand,
Yes, in the sand,
We can find our way
Over much safer land.

And should at long last,
Fickle Lady Luck leave,
And we remain here,
Leaving family to grieve,
A bullet with our name on it,
Find us and seal our fate,
Yes, seal our fate,
Our tank will our grave be
On that final date.